An Invitation to St. Barnabas
We are happy you have discovered our website, and we hope it will give you a sense of our community and an understanding of the programs and activities here.
St. Barnabas is an open, involved, and family-friendly village church, located at the top of Main Street in Irvington, drawing parishioners and visitors from here and nearby towns. Together, we learn about Christian faith and life in the beautiful words and music that are found in Holy Scripture, the Book of Common Prayer, the Hymnal, and the vibrant sermons of our rector. Check out the “What to Expect” section of this site to get a preview of a service at St. Barnabas. In addition, families are plentiful at St. Barnabas, so you also will see information about Christian education for children, youth and adults.
We are grateful to now be back in person, with a newly installed HVAC and filtration system to help keep us safe and a freshly painted parish hall. We continue to stream our 10AM services online and we often hold outdoor services during fair weather. If you would like to join our email list, you may sign up to receive our weekly eNews that carries timely information about activities and links to programs of interest. Our energized community of volunteers has been busily preparing for our clothing sales, where we come together as a church to offer needed items for all and use the proceeds for both charitable outreach and our own operations.
Wherever you are on your personal journey of faith — whether just beginning, ready to explore, or coming back from a long absence — we welcome you. Through our worship, educational programs, community outreach activities, and social events, we seek the face of God in one another and the presence of Jesus Christ in the sacraments.
You are very welcome here.
On behalf of the Vestry of St. Barnabas