The Rev. Jerry Keucher, author of Remember the Future, tells us, “We think that we spend our money on things that are important to us. But Jesus said, ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’” In other words, Jesus says put your money where you would like your focus and commitment to be, and your heart will follow. If your relationship with God is important to you, or you would like it to be more important, the Church of St. Barnabas is a place where you may achieve that objective and realize the full value of that relationship.

Stewardship means taking care of something that belongs to someone else. In the Bible, we are called stewards of God’s creation. Many express their stewardship and their gratitude for God’s blessings by pledging a percentage of their gross income. Whether 2%, 5%, a full 10% tithe, or something in between, we encourage this way of thinking about your gift to the Church. It provides a clear way to express your offering, and it helps St. Barnabas plan and manage what it can do from year-to-year to sustain God’s creations and facilitate God’s work in our parish and beyond.  

Your pledge is a promise to contribute a certain amount over a specified period of time. Our formal pledge drive, or stewardship campaign, begins in September and concludes on Consecration Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent in December. Based on the outcome of this annual campaign, church leaders determine the following year’s budget. The rector, wardens or vestry would be happy to answer any questions you may have about giving at St. Barnabas.

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