Let It Snow

Yesterday, many of our parish children received an early Christmas present: a day to play in the snow, and take in the cold crisp air. As a parent, I was heartened to witness the unbridled joy of my little brood as they “wiggle-woggled” out the kitchen door as if on an expedition to the North Pole.

After all the stresses and strains of the school semester, they needed the kind of cure that only Mother Nature provides: a screen-free, outdoor experience that left them ruddy-cheeked and happily tired-out. What a blessing this “wallopingly-good” snowstorm has been in all its raw power and volume. 

Personally, I appreciated the deeper sense of quiet and peace that yesterday delivered. It gave me a bit more of a sense that Christmas is almost upon us, albeit a Christmas like none that we have experienced before. I will miss greeting so many of you at the door on Christmas Eve; I also lament not being able to make Christmas Home Communion visits, and so the list goes on.

However, I am grateful for your presence online, knowing that so many of you tune in faithfully each week and find ways to stay engaged with parish life in its current form. I am also grateful for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we have successfully completed this year’s “Every Piece Counts” pledge drive. It has been a whopping success; and so I thank campaign co-chairs, Jane Gunnison and David Oakes for their leadership and all of you for helping us exceed our original goal.  

So friends, I hope that you’ll join me online this Sunday, as we round off Advent and head into the Christmas season. 


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Rector Gareth
Gareth Evans serves as the rector of St. Barnabas. He is an inspirational leader who brings significant pastoral experience, a depth of reverence in worship, and a relatable preaching style.

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