We will celebrate All Saints’ Day this Sunday, even though it is not a movable feast. We are, however, permitted to transfer it to the following Sunday, which is a fine compromise given the pastoral dimension to worship on this occasion. All Saints’ in our tradition invites us to remember collectively family members, fellow communicants and friends, both recently and long departed, before the throne of Christ, so gloriously depicted for us in our East Window. The feast also has a special liturgical resonance, as we gather for Holy Communion, mindful that we belong to the Communion of Saints on earth as well as in heaven. This sentiment is captured so perfectly in the transcendent processional hymn, “For All the Saints,” written by the English Bishop William Walsham How in 1864. My favorite verse is the last one:
From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast,Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,In praise of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! Alleluia!
Perhaps like me, you’ll be remembering church friends, recently departed and those dear to you, whose anniversaries fall at this time. Please send along the names of any, whom you would like to be remembered during this Sunday’s liturgy, to Barbara Wright HERE, in her role as keeper of the intercessions list.
Onward in Hope