From Pre-Loved to Re-Loved

The summer vintage clothing sale happened at church this week. Over two rather hot days, sales were brisk, netting $6000 on the first day and just over $4000 on the second, for a grand total of $10,314.00. Enormous thanks to Barbara Mahoney and Cathy Hansen who, “got the word out” through ads, mailings, sign postings and Facebook and also to lead co-organizers Linda Pierpont and Mary Mielke and their whole team of volunteers for making this sale a resounding success. Many tons of previously loved clothing items are now back out in the community being re-loved and enjoyed by their new owners. Many local social service-oriented organizations, loved and supported by members of our congregation, will benefit from the small grants that we are able to provide with the proceeds of the sale.  

God’s invitation to us as we restore parish life, is to name and claim what we value as we emerge from the pandemic: We are invited to lay claim to faith in God through Jesus Christ and to do so through a variety of meaningful activities. Whether a “cradle-Episcopalian” or as a transplant from another tradition, God has laid claim to all of us through baptism and named us as “beloved.” We are all pre-loved by God and re-loved as we grow into into our baptismal identities and put on the clothing of faith as St. Paul’s writes, “As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:27). I encourage all of us to actively re-engage with church over the coming months so that we may more fully embody God’s presence at St. B’s. 

Onward in the Spirit,

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Rector Gareth
Gareth Evans serves as the rector of St. Barnabas. He is an inspirational leader who brings significant pastoral experience, a depth of reverence in worship, and a relatable preaching style.

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