February 2021

One Long Lent and That’s Kind of Okay

The “no” list during the pandemic has included: no hugs, no school, no visits, no church, and no choir. For each of us, there’s the ongoing pandemic “no list” that feels like a global Lent and a prolonged slowing down of time itself in which we work harder and longer. So, after all the pandemic sacrifices, what does it mean to give up chocolate or coffee for Lent (my usual spiritual speed)? In my […]

In-person Ashes-to-Ashes will return next year!

The Church’s Communication Management Intern, Hope, with the Rector discussing “Ash Wednesday” programs. This year the Episcopal Clergy of the Diocese of New York will not be distributing ashes, based on a ruling by Bishop Andrew Dietsche intended to eliminate the possibility of spreading the coronavirus due to the proximity of priest and penitient. I […]

God is Love

These days, Valentine’s Day can be quite the production. This is certainly true in our household, where the children (three of them; 10 and under) make individual cards for Mommy and Daddy, and we return the favor. They also get Valentine’s Day cards from Grandma and Grandpa. I always present my wife, Fran, with the same “kitschy” fake rose in a vase every year (you press a button, and […]

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